Device Installment Privacy Notice FAQs

General Information

What is the Device Installment Privacy Notice and why did I receive it?

The device installment privacy notice describes the type of information we collect as part of your device installment transaction, how we use it, and whether we share it. This notice does not cover other information you share with outside the device installment transaction.

What type of information does the Device Installment Privacy Notice cover?

The notice covers your personal information in connection with your device installment transaction, such as the amount of your installment purchases on credit, credit history, installment payment history and your remaining installment balance.

What do you do with my device installment information?

We collect and use your device installment information to operate our business, for example, so we can process your payments and maintain your accounts, and to offer our products and services to you.

Do you share my information with others?

Yes. We share your device installment information to operate our business as explained above, respond to lawful orders, or to report to credit bureaus. We also share device installment information with our related companies. For example, if you have a past due device installment balance with us, you may not be able to order FiOS service until your device installment payments are current.

I can't find my device installment privacy notice, where else can I read it?

You can access the notice online at any time.